It is very important to include fiberous foods in our diet. We would have also heard advices suggesting to have more of fiber foods , that is because it helps to relieve constipation. It normalizes bowel movements, softens stools and helps maintain bowel health. Fiber is found in fruits , vegetable, legumes, whole grains ,its also referred to as roughage. Fiber helps in weight loss, reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If you suffering from any indigestion problem, try to add certain foods rich in fiber. There are two different types of fiber foods, soluble and insoluble foods. Soluble foods changes during digestion that is they dissolve in water and absorb water during digestion . Soluble fiber foods are oats, peas, beans ,barley etc. Insoluble foods are the ones that don’t dissolve in water and remains unchanged during digestion. It helps to promote movement in our digestive systems and is found in foods like whole wheat flour, nuts and vegetable such as green peas, cauliflower and potatoes.
Incorporate high-fiber foods in your regular meals as well as snacks and smoothies. Eating high fiber starchy foods make you feel fuller for a long period of time than white bread or refined products. Getting adequate fiber is beneficial overall for an healthy lifestyle.
Getting your 5 A Day is easier than it sounds. Why not chop a banana over your breakfast cereal, or swap your usual mid-morning snack for a piece of fresh fruit?
Vegetables and fruits are an important part of daily life. Not only quantities but also munching on a variety of different fruits and veggies are important. It's recommended that you eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day, they can be fresh, frozen, canned or juiced. Eat plenty of various types because a single fruit or veggies cannot give whole benefits thus supplying your body with a mix of nutrients. A diet rich in veggies and fruits can lower blood pressure, prevent some types of cancers, and lower digestive problem issues.
Keep ready to eat washed fruits where you can see it, try to have one serving from dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and fruits. Try cooking more tasty recipes that include fruits and vegetables.
Here is the list of how certain fiberous fruits and vegetables help us:
1)Broccoli: This vegetable which can be topped as the fiber vegetable, is rich in nutrients in addition to fiber. Studies have shown that broccolis 5 grams of fiber per cup can positively support the bacteria in the gut and make the gut healthy.
2)Berries: This fruit is full of fiber and antioxidants. Just a cup of blueberries can give four grams of fiber and also which is naturally low in calories. Different kinds like strawberries, raspberries also are a great sources of fiber.
3)Avocados: Avocados goes well with anything salads , eggs etc .They constitute for about 10 grams of fiber apart from healthy fats .
4)Apples: There are about four grams of fiber in ana apple, a crunchy and a nice snack to incorporate in our daily lives.
5)Dried fruits: Foods like figs, prunes and dates helps us in constipation and can boost your fiber intake to a a greater extent.
Eating the right fat is essential for a healthy balanced life. You need some fat in your diet, but it's important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat you're eating.
Though scientist point out and are making people aware of the health risks of consuming too much sugar, eating loads of unhealthy fats is something that we have to keep an eye on. Satisfying our taste buds with unhealthy fats and at the same time looking for a good health will not go hand in hand.
Too much saturated fats can actually increase cholesterol and risks of heart attacks. Foods high in saturated fats include butter, ghee ,lard ,fatty cuts of meat, cream etc. An average man should have less than 30g of saturated fat a day and for women it no more than 20g of saturated fat a day should exceed. Unsaturated fats is found primarily in oils from plants. Unsaturated fats can either be polyunsaturated or monosaturated. Monosaturated include olive oil, avocados, spreads, Brazil nuts and peanuts. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and omega-6, these fats can be found in vegetable oils such as corn , sunflower, rapeseed oil, oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout and fresh tuna.
Here are some tips to cut down on fat:
1)When shopping buy products low in fat
2)Buy leaner meats or meats visibly less in fat.
3)Low fat diary products like skimmed milk, low fat cheese, plain yoghurt.
4)Grill, bake , steam your food instead of consuming deep fried foods
5)Always use less oil, less butter , and eat more of fresh fruits and veggies.
Now lets talk about the side-effects of processed sugars. When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in the blood stream causes the walls of your arteries to get inflamed , grow thicker and stiff which stresses your heart and damages it overtime. This leads to strokes, heart failures and attacks. Regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar increases your risk of obesity and tooth decay. Free sugars are any sugars added to foods or drinks, or found naturally in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices and smoothies. This is the type of sugar you should be cutting down on, rather than the sugar found in fruit and milk . Also having free sugars in loads threaten the nutrient quality of the diet by providing significant energy without giving quality nutrients and leading to unhealthy weight gain.
Hence, all these points give detailed explanation as to why cutting down on saturated fats and sugars are crucial.
Salt which is the primary source of sodium , an essential nutrient necessary for maintaining normal cell functions , increased levels of sodium gives bountiful of health related risks. Especially people with high blood pressure should consume less salt . Salt intake of less than 5 grams per day for adults helps to reduce blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and coronary heart attack Even if you are not adding salt to your food , its quiet possible that you maybe taking it in various forms like chips, pickles, salty snacks etc. It has been identified that reducing salt intake is one of the most effective measures countries can take for people’s better health. It has been come to notice that an estimated 2.5 million deaths could be prevented each year if global salt consumption was reduced to the recommended level. Due to our busy life’s , people are relying more on processed foods that are becoming more available and affordable. High energy-dense foods have become an obsession among young adults nowadays which are high in saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and salt.
Some practices that we can follow are as follows:
1)Adding less salt to food
2)Limiting high salt content foods
3)Don’t keep a salt shaker on the table , it can tempt you to add more salt if feeling the salt to be less salty
4)Shop products with less sodium content.
5)Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt.
Following a low sodium diet will include a variety of above mentioned health problems and improve your diet quality.
Having foods that are good for us , staying physically active will help us to maintain a healthy weight and also improves our way of living.. Without much exercise and a sedentary lifestyle with no movement ,will inturn make us more sluggish and lazy. Seeking entertainment from many social media apps like facebook and Instagram , nowadays people have become more hooked to such things than getting up from their comfort -zone and going out for workouts.
Exercising strengthens your heart and improves blood circulation. Exercise has been proven to improve mood and decrease feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercising increases serotonin hormones and increased production of endorphins. It seems that exercise benefits your mood no matter the how intense a physical activity is. Exercising even for a shorter period of time have considerable effects on mental health. Exercise is crucial for burning out that excess body fat and to maintain good muscle mass. It also helps in maintaining strong and healthy bones.
Being active from a young age helps to reduce muscle loss and maintain strength as you age.
Make everyday activities more active, going out and being active with friends, Ruling out unhealthy practices, monitoring progress, having a well-balanced diet, Find activities that one can do even when the weather is bad.